Popular knowledge of guitar cables to amp(Previous)

Popular knowledge of guitar cables to amp(Previous)

guitar cables to amp

Guitarists have access to a wide range of audio data cables, and the various audio concepts involved are complex, such as analog and digital cables, balanced and unbalanced, microphone levels, instrument levels, line levels, TRS and TS, etc.

The analog wire transmits the current signal.Digital wire transmits digital signals in the form of 1's and 0's.The signals transmitted by analog wires are propagated in the form of currents.They are very sensitive to external interference.The output signal of a guitar is an analog signal.It needs to be transmitted through analog cables.The quality of the wire is more demanding.

But digital cable is different.It is not much afraid of interference.It transmits only digital signals of 1 and 0.The only thing that is transmitted by interference is 1 and 0.

The concept of balanced and unbalanced.

In fact, it is built on the analog wire.We are to deal with the analog wire is very easy to be interfered with the problem and invented the balanced cable
It's a three-pin canon.The principle is to transmit the same signal together by copying an identical copy to avoid interference from noise.

The unbalanced cable is very simple, it is used to pass a signal through a wire. According to this reasoning, our guitar output port using the wire is unbalanced wire it.

Instrument level: must be an unbalanced signal (waiting to be amplified to line level)

Microphone level: must be balanced signal (waiting to be amplified to line level)

Line level: must be balanced signal (ideal level)

This is what guitarists call a "preamp", and the microphone level needs to be amplified! That is, the singers often say "speech amplifier".

As for why the guitar signal output port connected to a headphone no sound, obviously because the signal is not strong enough, we need to add an amplifier before the headphones can.

to be continue..............

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